The best houseplants to have as a student and how to take care of them

The best houseplants to have as a student and how to take care of them

26 November 2022 • 6 min read

Houseplants have risen in popularity in the last few years. More and more people are becoming “plant parents”, and it’s easy to see why. Houseplants are great to have around to brighten up your space and they can even be great for removing toxins from the air! However, with so many different choices of plants out there, it’s hard to know which will be the easiest to take care of and the longest living. Luckily, we’ve put together this guide to showcase the best and most popular houseplants to own and how to properly take care of them.


Cacti and succulents

Cacti and succulents are one of the most popular houseplants going, plus they’re super easy to get hold of! Almost every home store you visit is bound to have one or the other. They’re dryland plants and have a low water need; meaning they’re easy to care for and perfect for any busy (and forgetful) student.


How to care for them

All cacti and succulents need is plenty of bright light to thrive! The best place for them is next to a well-lit window, or if your home is dark, place them under a desk lamp. When you want to water them, make sure their soil is almost completely dry before watering them again. They both have a low water need, so too much water can result in them drowning.


Why they’re a great choice

As mentioned, cacti and succulents have relatively low maintenance making them super easy to care for. Plus, their unique and “trendy” look adds a little something to any home. But don’t worry - not all Cacti are huge and spiky! You can get smaller, cuter ones too.


Aloe Vera

 A very popular Succulent is Aloe Vera. It’s a low maintenance houseplant that can thrive in almost any condition. Again, they are super easy to come by too, and have a long-life span, which is perfect for a dedicated plant parent.


How to care for them

Aloe Vera are similar to cacti as they require lots of light and little water. After all, Aloe Vera is a succulent. Place them near a sunny window or under a lamp if your place is dark. Make sure to not over water them, but also check that the soil isn’t dry completely before watering again.


Why they’re a great choice 

Aloe Vera are a low maintenance plant that live long and survive almost every condition. This makes them the perfect long-time houseplant. Not to mention they’re super easy to care for - so even the busiest of students can keep them alive! Their long and thin leaves are recognisable anywhere and make for a great addition to the household decor.

The gel inside an Aloe Vera’s leaves is full of vitamins and is naturally anti-bacterial. So, if your plant is mature enough, you’ll be able to use the gel to treat minor cuts and burns as well as sunburn.


Snake Plant

 A snake plant is a very hard-wearing houseplant that can survive in all different lighting. It’s another cool-looking plant that’s also low maintenance; making it perfect pot to add character, with minimal effort.


How to care for them

Snake plants do well in high, medium, and even low light, making them super easy to grow. You only need to water them once a week too, which is great for students constantly on the go. Whatever the lighting situation of your home, a snake plant will still thrive.


Why they’re a great choice

As Snake Plants are so sturdy and rugged for a houseplant, they make the perfect choice for a student who cannot dedicate too much time to keeping it alive. Plus, the look of a Snake Plant, with its striped leaves that grow upwards, adds height to any room and acts as a great feature piece.

ZZ Plant

A ZZ Plant is practically indestructible. This is the perfect option for any student who struggles to keep other plants alive. It’s tough as nails and can survive pretty much anything! Plus, its unique leaves look extremely eye-catching.


How to care for them 

Caring for a ZZ plant has never been easier. You can place it in any type of light and it will still thrive, plus it holds water for weeks. One of the only ways to actually kill the plant is to over-water it. You need to make sure that the soil is completely dry before you water it again.


Why they’re a great choice

As mentioned, a ZZ Plant is pretty much immortal. It’s one of the most indestructible houseplants you can choose and is super easy to care for. A bit of water every now and then when the soil is completely dry and, Voila! You’re correctly looking after your plant. Plus, it’s alternative look makes it a great uncommon choice compared to the regular houseplants you so often see.


Peace Lily

 A Peace Lily is a great indoor houseplant to own and looks exceptionally pretty too. It’s an alternative to other house plants that simply have leaves, as this one has flowers that bloom… should you care for it right!


How to care for them

To have a healthy and beautiful Peace Lily, you simply need to make sure the plant is placed in medium or high lighting. But it’s important to remember that the higher the natural light it gets, the more it will bloom and look stunning! As for watering the plant, you simply need to make sure that the soil is evenly moist.


Why they are a great choice

Peace lilies are great to make your room look stunning. Plus, they are also exceptionally good at purifying the air. So, if you’re looking for a houseplant that looks beautiful and does good for your health, the peace lily is a great choice. It doesn’t need much, just plenty of light and someone who will remember to keep it watered. However, if you happen to have a cat, a Peace Lily will not be a good idea, as lilies are poisonous to cats.



These are some of the best and most simple houseplants to own and look after. Knowing how to take care of houseplants will come easy once you research into the type of plant you want. Most indoor plants have very low maintenance and can survive throughout all different lighting and elements. Plus, you can add some easy decor to your student accommodation without having to damage the walls or rearrange the furniture! We have a collection of amazing properties for you to choose from, all of which are houseplant friendly, and all bills included! Contact us today if you have any questions.

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